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Whether you're a seasoned fighter or just stepping into the ring, this comprehensive resource is your go-to destination for everything you need to know about equipping yourself for success in boxing.

    by KATRINA SMITH   Wheying in on the extreme protein and calcium intakes in the fitness world   12am and the alarm beeps. Time to take a creatinine-rich protein shake. Back to sleep. Beep...Beep...Beep. 5am, still dark, time to wake up and hydrate. Stovetop porridge for breakfast with an added scoop of protein powder and 75g of blueberries. All measured out the night before....
  • BOXING 101

    Image - Tully Lou's YOXING   Our friends at Tully Lou have the 101 on Boxing Basics and we thought we should share it with YOU! Trainer at Fight Fit  Boxing Gym in South Melbourne Ruan Kotze (F.I.T.E.P.T.) gives you the lowdown and BIG thanks to Tully Lou - Follow F.I.T.E.P.T. on Instagram @fitept  BOXING 101
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